Credit Transfer for Current Students
If you’re a current Butler student looking to transfer credits, this guide will help you navigate the process smoothly, ensuring your hard-earned credits transition seamlessly.
If you have any questions, see the Butler University Bulletin or contact Registration & Records at
Current Butler students who wish to take classes off campus and transfer credit back to the University need to obtain pre-approval. To request transfer credit approval, complete the Undergraduate Transfer Credit Approval Form and submit the application to your academic college’s Dean’s office for approval.
After completing an approved course, have an official transcript mailed to the Office of Registration and Records at Butler University, 4600 Sunset Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46208, or sent electronically to .
Credits earned at an institution that is on the quarter system will be converted to semester hours at Butler University. Three quarter hours equal two semester hours at Butler; four quarter hours equal two-and-two-thirds semester hours at Butler; five quarter hours equal three-and-one-third semester hours at Butler.
For a list of commonly transferred courses from select institutions, use the Find a Replacement Course function on Transferology. Keep in mind that the course equivalencies listed in Transferology do not constitute a contract; you must still gain approval from your college Dean’s office before enrolling in transfer coursework.
The standard policy at Butler requires students to complete their final 30 hours of coursework at the University. To request permission to transfer a class within those 30 hours, complete a Request for Permission to Transfer Credits in the Last 30 Hours form and submit the request to your academic college’s Dean’s office for approval.
If you are a Butler student student wishing to apply to another college or university, order an official transcript of your Butler coursework and provide the Registrations & Records office with the address where it should be sent. Most schools prefer to receive transcripts directly from the institution.
You may also want to request another transcript at the end of the semester, once grades and degrees have been posted.
In order for graduate coursework completed elsewhere to be applied towards a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Butler University, students need to submit the Request for the Transfer of Graduate Credit application. Graduate transfer credit policies and instructions are located on the form.
For additional question about graduate transfer credit, see the Butler University Bulletin or contact Registration & Records at
Discover how courses commonly transfer to Butler University by utilizing Transferology, a self-service website where students can explore their transfer options.